Batter Fish Recipe - Continental recipe

                                                   Batter Fish Recipe

Recipe Cook Time      :     30 Minutes


    500 grams, any white firm flesh fish fillet (River sole or Sea bass)

    1 Tbsp white  flour (maida)

    Handful parsley finely chopped

    Oil for deep frying

  For the batter:

    1 tsp baking powder

    1 cup white flour (maida)

    1 egg (optional)

    1 cup soda water

    Salt and pepper to season


Clean the fish under running water, pat dry and roll it in flour and parsley, keep aside

For the batter , in a clean bowl whisk together soda water, baking powder, egg, flour and the seasoning into smooth consistency
Heat the oil in wok/ deep pan

Now dip each piece of fish in batter, coating them well and gently place them into hot oil.
Fry on medium heat till golden

Serve with a wedge of lemon, Chips with salt and vinegar.

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