Batter Fried Fish with Cheese Sauce - Seafood Recipe

                                                   Batter Fried Fish with Cheese Sauce

Recipe Servings : 4
Recipe Cook Time: 40 Minutes


    8 (750 gm) fish fillets

    1 Tbsp lemon juice

    1 tsp salt

    2 Tbsp all purpose flour for dusting

    Oil for deep-frying

    Chopped greens for garnish

    For the batter:

    1/2 cup (60 gm) all purpose flour

    1 Tbsp (15 gm) oil

    1/2 cup water

    1 egg, white only

    1 tsp salt or to taste

    For the sauce:

    2 cups (480 gm) milk

    2 Tbsp (15 gm) all purpose flour

    1 Tbsp oil

    1 tsp salt or to taste

    1/4 tsp powdered black pepper

    1 cup (120 gm) cheese, grated


Marinate fish, lemon juice and salt for 5 minutes and wash off.

From the batter ingredients, mix together the flour, salt and oil. Add the water gradually, mix into a batter and keep aside.

Mix all the sauce ingredients together to make the cheese sauce. Keep aside.

Wash and wipe the fish dry. Dust lightly with flour, patting off any excess flour.

Heat oil for frying, and while it is heating, whip egg-white stiff and fold into the batter.

When oil is ready, dip the fish into the batter, shake off the excess and fry to a very light golden on both sides. Place it on an absorbent paper to drain off the excess fat.

Immediately before serving, fry the fish once again in hot oil, drain and arrange in a serving dish. Pour some of the hot cheese sauce over it (serving the rest of it on the side) and garnish with the greens.

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